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Kool Spray

The Kool Spray is a fast acting spray that cools, soothes and relieves pain and muscular discomfort instantly, making it a convenient alternative to an ice pack. Equally effective for use on burns, stings or insect bites because of its cooling relief.
Cooling therapy for muscles and joints is well established and recommended by health professionals and sports physiotherapists.
The Kool Spray is a fast acting spray that cools, soothes and relieves pain and muscular discomfort instantly, making it a convenient alternative to an ice pack. Equally effective for use on burns, stings or insect bites because of its cooling relief. Cooling therapy for muscles and joints is well established and recommended by health professionals and sports physiotherapists.
- Instant cooling relief once sprayed on the skin.
- Relieves muscle pain and stiffness in cramp, sprains, strains, bruises and in lower back pain.
- A convenient alternative to an ice pack.
- The active ingredients cools the skin, which brings about rapid pain relief.
- Can be used during or immediately after exercise.
- Ideal cooling relief for stings, insect bites or burns.
- Available in 2 sizes (150ml or 400ml).