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Ice Bags

Ice Bags
Fill the durable bag with ice cubes or ice-cold water and place the bag onto the affected area to improve recovery.The pleated design allows the bag fabric to conform to the contours of the body for maximum comfort and effectiveness. Applying cold compression immediately following an injury drastically improves recovery times.The bag is reusable, economical and easy to use for all body parts.
Available in diameter sizes; 17cm, 23cm and 28cm diameter.
Ice Bags
Fill the durable bag with ice cubes or ice-cold water and place the bag onto the affected area to improve recovery.The pleated design allows the bag fabric to conform to the contours of the body for maximum comfort and effectiveness. Applying cold compression immediately following an injury drastically improves recovery times.The bag is reusable, economical and easy to use for all body parts.
Available in diameter sizes; 17cm, 23cm and 28cm diameter.
Technical | 17cm, 23cm and 28cm diameter. |