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Phillips FRx Adult / Paediatric Replacement Defibrillator Electrode Pads

The Philips HeartStart FRx SMART Pads II cartridge contains a single pair of electrode pads that can be used on both adult and child patients. Fitted with a lengthy connection cable, the HeartStart FRx SMART defibrillator pads are easy to apply in the event of an emergency and use a strong adhesive for a secure bond to the chest when in use.
The Philips HeartStart FRx SMART Pads II cartridge contains a single pair of electrode pads that can be used on both adult and child patients. Fitted with a lengthy connection cable, the HeartStart FRx SMART defibrillator pads are easy to apply in the event of an emergency and use a strong adhesive for a secure bond to the chest when in use.
Colour | Mid Blue |
Technical | Designed for use with the Philips HeartStart FRx defibrillator Disposable cartridge contains 1 pair of replacement pads Suitable for use on both adults and children Must be used with the infant/child key (sold separately) for child defibrillation treatment 2 year Electrode Pad Lifespan Fitted with a 122cm (48 inches) cable Strong adhesive for easy placement on the patient |