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SpectraVet Laser Cluster 810nm 4x250mW for Pro 2 Laser Unit

Near Infrared Wavelength and 4 individual protruding lenses for the most efficient delivery of light past hair/fur. For Deeper Penetration.
- Analgesia
- Long Thick Coats
- Deep Tissue
Requires SpectraVet Pro 2 Laser Base Unit (LT120)
Near Infrared Wavelength and 4 individual protruding lenses for the most efficient delivery of light past hair/fur. For Deeper Penetration.
- Analgesia
- Long Thick Coats
- Deep Tissue
Requires SpectraVet Pro 2 Laser Base Unit (LT120)
Colour | Mid Blue |
Technical | Total Output Power: 2000mW (2W) Number of Laser Diodes: 4 Output Power per Laser: 500mW Wavelength: 810 +/- 5nm Laser Type: GaAlAS Beam Divergence: 2x9 deg Polarization: Linear Laser Classification: Class 3B NOHD: 152cm Safety Eyewear Requirement: OD3 min at 810nm Aperture Size (4 Apertures): 5mm each Aperture Spot Size per Laser (contact)*: 5.8 x 1.7mm (rectangular) Power Density per Laser: 5 W/cm2 LED Guide Light: Nominal Output Delivers 1 Joule in: 2 seconds (per laser) Dose per Minute: 120 Joules (30J per laser) |